About Adherence to therapy
A pivotal factor in achieving lasting improvements
With allergen immunotherapy (AIT), which used to be known as hypo-sensitization, allergies can be treated effectively and with lasting success.
Premature discontinuation of treatment or insufficient adherence to the treatment protocol will diminish treatment success. With an average treatment duration of three years, adhering to an AIT protocol takes a lot of discipline.
An allergy sufferer who chooses to undergo subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) will receive around 30 injections over three years. In the case of sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT), patients need to take around 1,000 tablets over the course of three years.
Two large-scale German studies found that house dust mite and pollen allergy sufferers who chose SCIT for their hypo-sensitization continued their treatment much longer than those who received it via SLIT tablets. They were more likely to complete the recommended three years of therapy, increasing their chances of treatment success.